Obviously the term humanist was just created to take away attention from blacks as well.
What bothers me about it is that these people don't realize how much the standards change when they leave their own little bubble. Come to Canada and compare the treatment of Blacks to Natives and then tell me that the same standards apply.
See I don't buy this idea that the term ALM is just being used by people who want to downplay what happening to Blacks in America right now, for one I have yet to see a single one of these people who think so actually demonstrate that's the case, in fact even in situations I personally know the person didn't intend it that way it was automatically assumed.
Second I see many of these same people lose their shit anytime another problem takes attention away from their cause. The terrorist attack in Paris pissed a lot of them off #fuck Paris which is insanely petty.
Anyways that comic is off point for me because it acts as if someone who says that can't see the racial inequalities. Saying all lives have value is not the same as saying everyone has it equal and needs to be treated the exact same. If I say I'm a humanist it's because I want a world in which regardless of: race, gender, sexuality, culture, religion that a person should be able to live their lives and be happy. It's more an ideal to work towards then a statement of how the current standards are.
See the thing is there's nothing intrinsically racist about saying "I think all lives should matter" but I'm told I have to see it that way because of the racial tensions in a country I don't even live.
But here's the thing. If you go off on somebody for using that hashtag based on an assumption of what they believe and why they used it then there's a pretty good chance you won't be convincing anyone of anything. I once heard someone say that if you're an atheist and you're talking to a religious person it's pointless to argue against them based on what your perception of their religion and beliefs are, because if you're arguing against beliefs that person doesn't even have then how can you ever convince them of anything? I agree with this sentiment very much. It'd be like me arguing to a Muslim how Christianity is wrong, or me arguing to a Southern Baptist that Christianity is wrong. They can easily dismiss everything I'd argue against them as not even being what they actually believed.
The people I see attacking ALM don't seem to actually take the time to understand why individuals feel the way they do, at least not based on my experience. It's all just super generalized and then we're shamed into accepting their views on it. You get people that say: Well if you say ALM then you're either ignorant and need to be educated or you're just racist. I don't buy into it at all. Nor do I respond well to people trying to shame me or forcing me to agree with their views. I grew up a Christian, I'm use to being told I'm naturally a shit person who needs to constantly be seeking to repent simply for the act of being born. I'm all for the idea of seeking to improve myself, improve my world views and to be a better person in general, but I'm not going to apologize for being born a certain way, nor do I feel others should so when people should.
Maybe I'd feel different if I was in the USA right now. Maybe if I was there I'd be able to see that people who are using the term really are these racist assholes, but I haven't seen that in my experience, and I haven't seen anyone who claims these things actually show that the majority of people who do use it are actually like this.
What I do know is there are people willing to threaten others and treat them like garbage for no other reason then they used this hashtag and I have an issue with that. I have an issue seeing someone who faces just as many racial issues where they live, is part of a minority and genuinely believes in what they were saying being told she should kill herself for using it. Want to talk statistics? In just a few decades we've had around 1500 native woman vanish or be killed without any real investigation. The person who I mentioned in the example previously had her sister disappear when she was 15 and they haven't heard from her since, don't know if she's alive or dead, and it was never properly investigated, but then you have groups of people attacking her because of the terrible standards for them in a country she doesn't live in and I ask myself: Is this really what BLM is about? I'd like to think not. I'd like to think that the core of the movement isn't about this mob mentality that just want's to cause as much destruction as it can and that these people or just the vocal minority.
I gave Puddi a lot of shit for nuance and I'd like to think that maybe what I'm saying now will give you a better idea of why I feel it's important, particularly when you're discussing these topics to people around the world. Because at the end of the day it's ridiculous to think that the rest of the world is going be living by the same standards. And if we are going to take the time to understand why someone saying ALM bothers them, they have to take the time to understand where we're coming from because a discussion is a two way street that way.
Anyways sorry because this is a long post but it's something that was on my mind that I've touched upon but wanted to try and articulate on a bit more. Whether or not you agree or disagree with me I'll thank anyone who actually took the time to read this through.