Post by OdanUrr on Feb 10, 2019 20:47:27 GMT -6
I think it's going to end on a cliffhanger that will tease an Episode 10 and then Disney will let the main series rest for 10 years before doing a follow-up while continuing to do spin-offs every two years. I'm positive that the original plan was for Snoke to be Darth Plagueis, but Rian ruined that, however I think he might fix it by having Snoke be an acolyte or creation of Plagueis's and we will find out that Plagueis is in the Unknown Regions at the very end of 9. They won't have time to introduce a new villain and give them proper development, but a sequel trilogy would allow them to. Also, some of the supposed leaks lends a bit of credence to my theory in that a quest was undertaken by the Knights of Ren who have been in the Beyond and will be returning from it in Episode 9. Now, what the Beyond is who knows, but I'm betting it's the Unknown Regions There also seems to be (big spoiler if true) no real antagonist in 9, other than the Knights of Ren who perform a coup and take control of the First Order from Kylo. It's rather weird because they haven't had any development/screentime so far and it won't be that satisfying because of this. But Plagueis would tie all three (four, if they do another) trilogies together and would be quite fearsome an opponent indeed - I mean, if both Palpatine and Snoke only had a fraction of his power/ability... - it would work well. Disney has stated that IX will be the end of the Skywalker Saga so I don't think we'll be seeing an Episode X. As for Snoke's death in VIII, JJ could easily write something along the lines of, "Snoke let himself be killed by Kylo in order to complete his training, but he's still alive and kicking 'cause he's got numerous clones bodies ala Palpatine in Dark Empire. Also, he's Darth Plagueis."