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Post by SpectrePeirogi on Jan 8, 2016 22:09:45 GMT -6
Last time I finished an episode was in the summer, got through the first season and a teensy bit of S2. But yep, it's become one of the more critically successful cartoons I'm aware of. The premise, the character relationships, the literal physical relationships through fusing, and the focus on emotional storytelling makes it very unique. Seeing that clip to The Answer, I have to admit that's surprisingly atmospheric and elegant for SU. How does Season 2 hold up so far? It holds up very well, far better than the beginning of season 1. How the show develops the world is so well done even if the episodes are only 11 minutes long. We had 4 Steven Bombs (week of new episodes) in the last few months. They were all a blast. Sugar woman really knows how to make a hell of a show. This week was the 4th steven bomb!But this success led to the influx of numbers in the fandom, the side effects have hurt one of our own...but zamii is well again, she uploaded a new video drawing cotton candy garnet.