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Post by Deleted on Jan 5, 2016 1:16:47 GMT -6
I despise the group, I can respect what they're trying to achieve in theory. But in practice their policies could be compared to what the Nazi's did to the Jews. ... People don't know what racism is these days and it's the same for rape to some people -_- heh. Not many people unironically call themselves SJWs at all. Like our god Obama said, those protesters on college campuses who have gotten overzealous to the point of trying to infringe on free speech rights or create threatening situations are wrong. But a couple things about that. 1) the things they've done haven't amounted to anything on the level of the assaults at Trump rallies, much less what out-and-out neo-Nazis do, since apparently that's the comparison we're going with here. 2) neo-Nazis support white supremacy, violent antisemitism and homophobia, etc. and assault and kill people for those beliefs. "SJWs," if we can describe their beliefs as if they were a similarly organized group, would be the ones who are against all of those shitty things and think they are systemic in our culture. Now you could criticize them for tilting at windmills or overreacting to a certain extent depending on the 'stupid issue of the day from a stupid SJW,' and the aforementioned actions w/r/t free speech and such are worth condemning, but to pretend they're even close to connecting this 'horseshoe,' either ideologically or in practice, is frankly ridiculous. It's like equating the Greenpeace terrorists who break the locks on monkey cages to fundamentalist Islamic terrorists who kill infidels for some lesser god. Regarding these "sexist, genocidal" ones, they are largely imaginary from what I can see, or the bloviating keyboard warriors who don't actually do anything to match their rhetoric in real life, unlike neo-Nazis who have a rich history of, you know, lynching and terrorizing and committing actual genocide if you include the actual Nazis. As far as shaming someone for being a racist... that, to me, is more of a social media phenomenon than anything else. If you're going to take everyone who gave an offhand opinion on twitter about whether a comment was racist without considering the consequences of their words as part of an oppressive aggregate in the grand scheme of things, and contend that they are all, in fact, SJWs (the 'whole country,' even), then you're doing pretty much what bobo said, just using the term as a general pejorative rather than actually using it to describe a defineable group of people. If there's any horseshoe I do believe in, it's that the assholes from the anti-PC crowd (the ones who just want to be assholes and not be called out on it) are just as sensitive as they claim the dastardly SJWs are.