Post by wolfsite on Oct 5, 2016 16:50:30 GMT -6
A bit weak to be completely honest, particularly in the villain department as The Rival is no Zoom or Reverse Flash. I think they got rid of Flashpoint way too quickly... and then kind of didn't? I'm still left with the impression that Barry's learnt nothing from the previous seasons, not to mention he should've beaten The Rival easily if he could beat Zoom. I leave you with one of Thawne's greatest quotes yet:
"The you I know from the future, he's not this stupid." Ya that seems to be a running thing with Barry, he keeps trying to find the quick fix rather then live with a difficult solution, hopefully based on the trailer for the next episode Jay will call him out on it and try to get him to move forward with his life rather than just reliving the past. But I still feel it is a better premiere than Season 2