Giant Ambush Beetle
The Monarchy
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Post by Giant Ambush Beetle on Aug 28, 2015 6:18:37 GMT -6
Motherfucker, how do you get so fucking big without using steroids? You're a fucking beast man. You'd be right at home in Gears of War. It was a slow process, I bought my first dumbbell set 11 years ago. During that time I've figured out what works for me and what doesn't so my exercise plan is extremely effective now. I've never worked out on machines, all the auxiliary muscles and stabilizers get hit hard when using free weights only plus I give the nowadays unpopular low rep high weight old school strongman exercises a lot of credit (Overhead press, axle dead lift, log lift, circus dumbbell press etc.)Genetics may play a role too, I have a picture of my grandfather serving in the Kriegsmarine (German Navy) in WWII, he had an extremely impressive physique for someone who never lifted weights in his life. But now the most important factor by far: Motivation. I love lifting weights, I don't just do it to reach a goal, lifting is its own goal. I enjoy picking up and lifting heavy stuff a lot. 8D In my opinion, if you don't genuinely love lifting you'll never get really strong and/or big. I see the gym tribe has assembled. Still waiting for my turn. Did some careful biceps curls and ended up with my torn bicep crying. No where near out of the zone yet. Hi Uccio! (I believe that was your BSN name)