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Post by Deleted on Sept 8, 2015 0:09:01 GMT -6
I wonder if the refugees would leave their countries if they knew that they may end up in Siberia, Nunavut or mid-west Australia as the only regions that jobs can be found! Still trumps living in a war zone. So yes, they would. It's not a big surprise. You give someone choice (even a desperate person) they're going to go for the best options available. If you gave a homeless person a choice of: Okay House Okay House Okay House Okay House Okay House Nice House Nice House Do you really think they're going to go for any of the okay houses? "Yeah the nice houses are too good for me. I'll settle for one of the okay houses." So yes. Any country with benefits is going to seem like one of the "nice houses".I happen to like immigration. We need doctors, nurses, engineers, accountants, farmers, plumbers, builders etc. There is a lot of skilled labour that many people here just aren't qualified to take up. We need immigrants to keep our country going. Whaaasaat? You can't be that naive, how many of those people coming do you think are any of the above? Very few, there is a skills shortage but the influx of migrants has provided a boost of cheap unskilled labour, not skilled immigration. What you're getting is not skilled labour feeding into the economy to plug the gaps, it's mass immigration on a manual labour level. Which we get enough of from the eastern EU states. The inevitable result is a depression of wages at a lower level, which must then be augmented using everyone else's taxes because the social structure and services of the country can't support such an influx of cheap labour without additional funding. And guess who gets stuck with the bill. This is economic migration, not a refugee crisis predominately, Germany's move to accept so many is based primarily on its declining population, it needs migration to prop up its working population. The UK doesn't. What we should have done is sift the wheat from the chaff, take the ones we need or have job offers from businesses here and leave the rest.