How is asking a simple question moving the goalposts?
You did not "ask" a simple question; that question is clearly not designed to be answered at its face-value. You raised a rhetorical one, to make a point.
Were there any doubt...
So yeah, save the bullshit.
An observation that contradicts your previous point, that the problem was that condemnation was not being voiced, or if it were, it's not being voice loudly enough.
So, basically, your assessment of the problem has shifted. Your location of blame for it has not, though.
Ergo, you moved the goalposts.
I believe it's laughable that you seem to think that the problem can be "over" based meeting any arbitrary percentage benchmark of the population standing up. 1%, 100%... how does the supposed outcome you think will occur logically follow from the premise? There is no causal relation between A and B.
Nowhere near 1% of the US white population marches/demonstrates in the US in response white supremacist violence. Does this mean that white Americans support/condone those groups, and that the problem will be solved by them doing so?
And your proposed solutions to that are nonsense.
Still waiting on that study you were talking about.
I've tried to verify this and have found nothing.
All I got was a report putting the estimated number of in any one city at a few tens of thousands per city.
Irrelevant. Studies show no compelling correlation between harshness of punishment and deterrence. Also, how are you not a Rightist, again?