Post by Rawgrim on May 4, 2017 13:12:41 GMT -6
Blade Runner 2049 posters Please be good, please be good... Looks pretty good. I have hopes for this one. Wow, I thought maybe they weren't gonna rely too much on Promotheus stuff after its dicey reception. Maybe just tell what went on after those two arrive, but looks like we'll properly see a lot. They've integrated it really well. I think its looking really good. Not sure I've got it in me to see an Alien film in cinema though. X) Not with that back burster scene. Prometheus was rather flawed since the script was sloppy. But it got a LOT of stick because people seemed to think it was an Alien movie. Scott was clear on it from the start that it was just a movie set in the same universe. Who knows. Maybe this one, and how it ties into Prometheus, might make Prometheus look better. One can hope, at least. I will be watching Alien:Covenant at the cinema, though. And Blade Runner as well. Blade Runner....that one I am worried about. Not because it looks bad in any way, but because the first one was so darn fantastic. The sequel might have too big shoes to fill. Easy to slip up. Looking forward to it greatly, though.