Post by abraham on Feb 1, 2016 20:21:29 GMT -6
My answers
Question 1: I feel indifferent. He is one of billions of men. All men are different. All women are different.
Question 2: I don't hate romantic comedies. They're okay. Not my cup of tea. However I really enjoyed Ground Hog Day. About Time was amusing. Heck (please don't make fun of me) I enjoyed that really dumb film called Love Actually. So no I don't hate the genre. I tend to prefer science fiction, action, political thrillers, film noir, westerns etc. However there are some romantic comedies I like. Also I have never seen Notebook. Not everyone likes Beyonce. I don't mind her music. She's an attractive lady with a powerful voice and some decent music.
Question 3: I am not a screen writer, so no I don't make women talk about men. If it's the Bechdel test you're referring too then I guess maybe you have a point. I'm in favour of more representation, but I still feel good writing is priority. I'd rather have no female characters than a whole cast of female characters who only talk about men. As you can tell Sex and The City is not a show that interests me.
What boobs? Not a lot to say on the issue. Do you even listen to guys conversations? Yes there are some guys who talk about this a lot. However there are millions of subjects that men talk about for hours. I don't even know how you can keep a conversation about one area of the body going longer than 5 minutes. Unless it's plastic surgery related.
Question 4: Please give me a better question. Oh dear. Hmm. I enjoyed Star Wars The Force Awakens. I enjoy Jessica Jones. She is bad ass. I happen to like female leads. I am a heterosexual man. Seeing a woman in a leading role is awesome. Bring on the ladies. Why do you think all men are a certain way?
Questions 5: First of all humour is subjective. Me personally. I find lots of women are funny. Jo Brand, Shappi Khorsandi, any of the females (and the guys for that matter) on College Humour, Tina Fey, Ellen Degeneres. The list goes on. Thing is none of the women on Buzzfeed are funny. It's like getting battered with a club. I've watched a number of your videos. Sometimes they're mildly entertaining, but I haven't encountered a single funny video. You're funnier than me. That's not saying much.
Question 6: I'm not going to go into my dating experience. I have never assumed that a woman wanted sex with me. Ever. That is not an assumption I'd ever make. I hooked up with a hand full of women. Do you think all men are terrible people? I must only care about a woman for her body and nothing else. Right? Because I'm a man? You know if you're busy and have better things to do then that's fine. Moving on.
Question 7: You've slept with lots of people. That's your choice. If people judge you then their nasty people. Do your own thing and stop giving a damn about what other people think. Okay. I guess you have a point. Double standard. Two people who sleep around a lot. Single men are looked upon as "players" and single women who engage in said activity are shamed. If your entire video was about this, I'd be on board. It doesn't change the fact that this video is garbage though.
Question 8: I don't represent all men. For pete's sake. I only represent one man. Me. Just plain old me. I personally do not make such ridiculous assumptions. I don't think dating always leads to sex. Different people expect different things from dating. Some people want a one night stand. Some people want a relationship. Some people want friends with benefits. Some people are looking for a potential husband/wife. If the people you're dating have that expectation and you don't, then you're dating the wrong people.
Question 9: No means no. Yes I am aware what rape is. I am aware what consent is. I don't need this to be explained. If I did, I would turn to an entertaining video from Themes Valley Police that compared sexual consent to making a cup of tea.
Question 10: Are you putting multiple questions together? I swear that was more than one question. I don't view women under such a narrow lens. Yes there are generalisations. There is truth to generalisations, but they don't apply to everyone. Women are individuals. Men are individuals. Can we judge people based on who they are as opposed to what they are?
Question 11: Men can't control themselves? True story I knew someone who used that justification for women covering their faces. However most men I know don't subscribe to this idea. Nor do I. It's a ridiculous notion. Next.
Question 12: I don't see sex in that way. Consent isn't a reward for good behaviour. Only entitled people view it that way. If I'm nice to someone I don't expect anything in return. I am nice to people because I want to get along with other people. I want to be on people's good side. I want people to all get along with each other. Being nice promotes the kind of society I want to live in. Do you know what is really nice? Not assuming that all men are entitled sex offenders.
Question 13: I don't engage in the practice of "dick pics". I think it's rude and unnecessary. That's probably why some people do it. The inappropriateness of the activity is part of it's humorous appeal.
Question 14: Are we going to have some clever questions now? Okay. About this one. First of all I don't have a sister. If I did, I would assume she was capable of taking criticism. The joys of being thick skinned is not needing people to fight your own battles. When people say nasty stuff you can shrug it off. As for nasty jokes about women, context would be nice. That said with any kind of sexism, racism etc can't you just let narrow minded people express their views? Do we really need to police what people say? Isn't getting fired from one's job enough?
Question 15: Interruptions are annoying, however they can have a purpose. When someone is not adding anything useful to a meeting. When someone is rambling. When a meeting is only 30 minutes long and someone is giving a long winded explanation. When some one is digging a hole for themselves. The list goes on. Do you know what all of these examples have in common? They have nothing to do with gender. Interruptions are rude and frustrating for the person being cut off. Some times they are unnecessary. How is this gendered? It's not!
Question 16: *Facepalm*. Arms do not crush boobs. Legs crush balls. That area gets uncomfortable. So spreading legs is more comfortable.
Question 17: Women are generally physically weaker than men. Yes there are women who are stronger than the average man. Yes there are even women who are stronger than most men. However the average man is stronger than the average woman. Also the strongest men are stronger than the average women. That is why men and women are separated in sports. Also what does giving birth have to do with this question? To be honest I'm not a great fan of this disparity, but this is biological not patriarchal.
Question 18: What emotions? Anger, happiness, annoyance, sadness, joy, empathy, sympathy, indifference, excitement etc. Being emotional is not a sign of strength or weakness. It is only a weakness if someone takes being emotional to the extreme. Okay if you're sad about someone you know dying, that's normal. However if you're bursting into tears because someone said something mean, then there is something wrong with you. Some people choose to be openly emotional and some people don't. Let people be as emotional as they want, even if it means blubbering over unkind words.
Question 19: I don't try to prove my masculinity. I know that I'm weaker than most men. I know that I don't know a lot about every "masculine" subject under the sun. I'm not a big football fan. I don't go to the gym pumping the iron all day. You see, I'm happy just being me.
Question 20: Ladylike? Ladylike? Are we in the 19th Century now? Well lady like and gentleman like reefer to ideals of politeness, reserved conversation, perfect enunciation, careful use of language, not causing offence and remaining both clean and austere. Well swearing would be viewed as vulgar according to these outdated ideals. If you want to swear, go ahead and swear. Who cares if it's "ladylike"?
Question 21: My first instinct is to believe people when they say they have been a victim of a crime. Is it naive? You're damn right it is. However it is not for me to make the legal judgement. It's for the courts. All crimes follow the same rule. Innocent till proven guilty.
Question 22: I don't know a lot about periods. Moving on.
Question 23: I have a slightly different view on make up. Make up is part of an outfit. Clothes, shoes, accessory and make up when combined produce an outfit. The outfit is an expression of someone's personality. Is it false advertising? I suppose. You know what. that question isn't half bad. It could actually lead to an interesting discussion. Then you go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like "dick size". Well here is the thing. I am not advertising my dick. So poor comparison.
Question 24: Old white men making legislation. Hmm. Maybe they were elected? As for "what you can and cannot do with your body" are you referring to abortion? I really loathe this argument. It misses the point of the abortion debate. It is not about men oppressing women. The entire debate is about the following: at what point does a developing foetus become considered a person? At what point does abortion become murder? In the abortion debate, "the woman's body" is not the point of interest. It's the creature growing inside the woman's body that is the point of interest.
Question 25: Do you have gouchie? What?
Question 26: Hmm. Because it's sexually arousing to some men. It's called a fetish.
Question 27: Getting kicked in the balls hurts.
Question 28: I don't try to be manly any of the time. I have some "manly" characteristics. Sure I'm not a manly man but I'm not very feminine either. I don't endeavour to be masculine or feminine. I'm happy being myself.
Question 29: I love gender equality. Next question.
Question 30: Gender wage gap. Women tend to make different career choices to men. This is more of an economics question. Women tend to work less hours, work in jobs that pay less, are less likely to go for promotions, work in jobs that are less dangerous etc. However, if you are being paid less for the same hours for the same job within the same company, go to an employment tribunal.
Question 31: I'm not intimidated by a woman who makes more money than me. Jealous perhaps. Anyone who makes more money than me, male or female is going to make me feel a little jealous. Then I remind myself that I have better things to do than succumbing to envy, like living my life.
Question 32: Opinionated men and women are generally seen in an unflattering light. Being "opinionated" is not such a desirable trait. People don't like having other people's viewpoints rammed down their throats. Being opinionated is more than just having an opinion. It's being obnoxious about it. Quite often said opinions have little basis in reality which makes the behaviour even harder to put up with.
Question 33: People make jokes that are offensive to women. Should I be the humour police now?
Question 34: I do recognise my own privilege. I've had a very sheltered comfortable life. I have had a great deal of good luck in my life.
I'm sure some of these questions were two questions merged together.
I can't stand the attitude. Can't we just treat individuals as individuals? This whole video is "Dear men! Why are you so horrible?" This is why I don't consider myself a feminist. I do recognise that there are women's rights issues. It's just so much of the movement is bashing men. All of the women in the video come across as downright hostile. Maybe they are decent people when you meet them in person, but all I see is just ugliness.