Post by Cyonan on Oct 21, 2015 0:18:28 GMT -6
Is it really congratulatory when they replaced their government with one just as bad if not worse? Trudeau's government is going to be awful as well, possibly worse than Harper's. OH.... I didn't really know that. I thought the Trudeau party was the opposite of the the conservatives.. Justin is somebody who at least partially was riding on the popularity of his name, because his father Pierre Trudeau was somebody that a lot of people in eastern Canada loved. Overall he is inexperienced, wants to run the country at a deficit for reasons that he really has never fully explained, and makes comments like the "budget will balance itself" thing. It was less than 24 hours before he said something monumentally stupid after getting into office, which we already have a thread on. People hated Harper so much because he had a lot of terrible things that weren't directly related to running things like the economy. Stuff like Bill C-51 which honestly somebody should probably be thrown in jail for because that shit is downright criminal and can be used to silence freedom of speech, all in the name of "anti terrorism" and even if no actual terrorism acts get carried out you can still be arrested for saying something that "encourages" it. The Canadian government as of right now thanks to Harper's Conservatives can throw you in jail for up to 5 years if you say something they deem as "promoting terrorism". The Liberals don't actually want to get rid of this bill, but they do want to revisit it and update some things. Sadly these are the two groups I was split between voting for because I dislike the NDP even more(and any other party is just throwing away your vote). I am hoping that, at the very least, Justin has some advisers around who aren't stupid.