Post by The Hawkeye God on Oct 9, 2015 20:30:39 GMT -6
No, no, no, it's more than that. We're gonna be friends. When I'm done here, we're going to have a network of friends and visitors to be friends with the world over. Many here have that. I'm jealous. I want in. So we're going to go ahead and do that. Starting here. You guys can call me Nigel. Hey, man. I'm with you. 'Bit hard to tell if you're being serious, like others have said, but that's the internet -- can't read faces or hear tone-of-voice in text. I've been pretty down-in-the-dumps for a long time. Happy people would bother me. I would look at them and think, "what is this idiot so happy about? His/her life cannot possibly be that good." It has dawned on me recently that I'm the one whose mind isn't right. And I'm tired of this. Now I've committed myself to doing whatever I can to change. I want to feel what other people have that I don't. It's been difficult, but, whatever it takes. I wasn't in the dumps per se, but I realized I had a lot of insecurities and problems that I tried to bolster over and I would sit back and think about why it was an issue. People would be friendly towards me and wonder why I would be so intense or withdrawn all the time. I finally had a friend crack that for me over no bullshit terms, and it quite literally has made me see the light. I'm being serious here, for what it's worth (internet and all). And I know that I'm being a total attention whore with this thread... Which is what I'm trying to do. I want people to be happy, and I want to spread that happiness, and I want to take that satisfaction and build into relationships that are really meaningful. I want to be the guy who has friends everywhere and has never met a stranger in his entire life. I want to be close friends with all of these people here. I want to have a rapport that allows us all to be more than avatars and text on the internet. I mean it when I say, hey, if any of you guys find yourselves around central Indiana or the Midwest, let me know. I'll get you guys a room and a car. We'll hit some clubs and see some sights. We'll have a blast and make memories worth sharing.