Giant Ambush Beetle
The Monarchy
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Post by Giant Ambush Beetle on Sept 6, 2015 12:53:01 GMT -6
How often do I have to do all this, by the way? It's boring. On the elliptical machine I can at least watch Netflix to pass the time or listen to music while I run. I really had to give myself a good talking to after I finished my shoulders to do lunges and core work. I like doing cardio so much better. I do it once per week, but my shoulders get an entire day which looks like this: Barbell standing overhead press 4 sets 8 reps 80kg, single arm dumbbell press 3 sets 5 reps 40kg, 2 sets of 1 rep 100-105kg overhead press, rows 3 sets 8 reps 70kg. Only once per week because my shoulder also gets hit on chest day (Bench press, flyes) and bent forward rows, so technically its twice a week. But you as a beginner you can do shoulder presses twice a week, just make sure you give your shoulders 48 hours of regeneration before training them again. This includes push ups and other exercises that stress your shoulders. Might be of interest, here is a list about the strength standards of different level athletes in the overhead press exercise, including novices. (Overhead press = shoulder press, but instead of dumbbells a barbell is used) its not boring anymore once you lift some serious weighs, performing feats of strength few can do is very entertaining and feels great. It takes a lot of concentration and all you've got, forget listening to music. This combines everything you have, raw strength, technique, CNS, muscle coordination, balance, flexibility, everything has to be 100% to be able to perform the lift. I love lifting heavy and find it entertaining as hell, I love the challenge, I love the feeling of my body pushing the limits.*ramble* This might be a male thing however.