Post by Ravensword on Jan 18, 2016 17:49:08 GMT -6
Ooh. 1980's new wave Christmas. People were warmer and lovelier back then, right? I don't know because I've never been in a Christmas feast. That's the 80's for you. An idyllic Christmas dinner in a snowy cabin. I'm sure Christmas feasts are similar to the Eid celebrations in the Middle East and Central Asia area. Maybe w/ a lot less pork, so no Christmas ham at the Eid, of course. I imagine that that big ass mountain behind Tehran has some cabins where people chill during the winter, w/ hidden alcohol stashes. Hanukkah, Christmas, and Eid al-Fitr are pretty much the same thing; get together w/ family, eat a lotta food, and exchange gifts. 342 days till Christmas! Not much longer now. It's just round the corner. Yay! Christmas is less than a year away! I'm so happy, I can't wait! Get the decorations ready.