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Post by Deleted on Nov 5, 2015 15:47:52 GMT -6
Who are you to tell me what I should or shouldn't celebrate, and how? I'm a Mr. Nobody, but logic does. By the way you're using the Gregorian calendar, made by pope Gregorius XIII who enforced and introduced its use. And also sunday is the day of rest for almost everyone in the world, before Christ there wasn't a sunday, or at least there wasn't a restful sunday. Furthermore, if you're american (i.e.) you shouldn't swear on the Bible when summoned in a court. And this is but a minority of the fragments of incoherency that undermines your irreligious intents. LoL, anyway, I bet there is no Heretic of Uranus near there. First of all, I'm not American. I'm Dutch, and we don't have to swear on the bible for anything in court. Second, The Gregorian calander is not a Christian calander. It's literally a direct copy of the Julian calendar with only a 0,0002% adjustment in the length of the year. All our months are named after pagan gods, and all our days are named after pagan gods too. Monday = moon day (the day of moon worship) Tuesday = Tyr's day (the day of the Germanic god Tyr) Wednesday = Wodan's day (the day of the Germanic god Wodan) Thursday = Thor's day (the day of the Viking god Thor) Friday = Frya's day (the day of the Viking god Frya) Saturday = Saturn's day (the day of the Roman god Saturn) Sunday = sun day (the day of sun worship) So by your logic, you shouldn't be using the calendar we have, nor should you be using any of the weekday names listed above, because they're all rooted in paganism. And this is but a minority of fragments of incoherency that undermines your Christian intent. Besides, it's not my choice that your Christian dogma is forced upon us. It's not like atheists in the USA have a choice when they're going to court. They're FORCED to swear on the bible, even though swearing on the bible means jack shit to them. If it were up to me, all those religious remnants would be cleansed from our society, and we'd go full irreligious and 100% secular. But sadly it's not up to me and so as long as I live I'm just gonna have to accept that our culture still has traces of religion. Luckily, most of our religious traces in our culture comes from pagan religions, which aren't nearly as oppressive or shitty as your Judaeo-Christian religion. So I'm fine with it. I don't mind that our weedays and months are named after pagan gods.